百老汇电子游戏(40001·China)官网-Web Game Platform


  • WAM has in-depth of experience in researchand development of epoxy resins for WIND ENERGY industry. In response to therequirement of sustainable development and renewable energy in recent years, WAMhas also developed LIGHTWEIGHTING technology for AUTOMOBILE manufacturing, suchas Flame retardant series, Prepreg series, Pultrusion series, Filament windingseries, High-Pressure Resin Transfer Moulding (HP-RTM) series, General epoxyseries, Hand lay-up series and quantum dot materials and epoxy adhesivematerials.

    Through years of exploration andinnovation, our products have been widely used in green energy, railway,military industry, aerospace, vessels, quantum dot and other fields, moreover,it has made practical sales and established partnership with customers in the fieldsof new energy vehicles, automotive interior decoration, railway, quantum dotmaterials, adhesive materials and others. In the future, we look forward toworking with our partners in the global composite industry to innovate themarket and create brilliant achievement together.


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